The New Space of the Theater of Nations is starting a cycle of intellectual marathons HOW LONG IS NOW, which will be lead by leading Russian experts in various fields of culture and art. Touching on the widest possible range of themes and topics, HOW LONG IS NOW presents various projections of the reality surrounding us.
The topic of the pilot of HOW LONG IS NOW - “What Is The Contemporary?” - refers to the title of a program essay by the famous Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben. Contemporaries of whom and what are we? What does “being contemporary” mean in general - and “being modern”? Where, as of the end of 2018, in the areas accountable to the experts, ends today and begins tomorrow? Where is the border between “the contemporary” and “the future” and how does the notorious “Zeitgeist” express itself today? An attempt to answer these questions is in the monologue of the hero of our cycle, the founder of the magazine “Afisha” and the ideological inspirer of the institute “Strelka”.
The curator of the project is Dmitry Renansky