Касса  +7 (495) 629 37 39
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Основная сцена Bovary In search of a way to stage the novel, Director Andrei Prikotenko gave the village doctor Charles Bovary an opportunity to step out of the shadow of his wife Emma.
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Основная сцена Boris Godunov Director Pyotr Shereshevsky turned to the drama written by Pushkin, by “locking” characters from literature and history textbooks inside of an average Russian school gym.
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Основная сцена STORMSTORM The classic play by Alexander Ostrovsky "The Storm" staged by the Golden Mask laureate Eugene Marcelli to the soundtrack by the band Leningrad.
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Малая сцена TEN VISITS TO MY BELOVED A performance by Murat Abulkatinov based on the novel of the same name by Vasily Aksyonov, one of the prominent representatives of “village prose”.
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Новое Пространство. Страстной бульвар, д.12, стр.2 Dostoevsky 200. A Storytelling Actors Elena Gorina and Alexander Gorelov have prepared the perfomance, based on children's perception of the Russian auhor. "Dostoevsky is some cute man with a funny last name who wrote some long story", kids day. Is that so?
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Малая сцена Friends In the production directed by Motoi Miura a group of strangers, a whole family of three generations, is forcibly trying to save a young man, quite satisfied with his life, from loneliness.
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Основная сцена Uncle Vanya The performance by the French director Stephane Braunschweig based on the play by Anton Chekhov.
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Малая сцена Living T. How do relationships wear thin? Why does a happy marriage end up with divorce? Is it possible to find and bury a "corpse" that pretends to be alive timely? And why did Leo Tolstoy decide to escape from the family, just like the character? Answers to these questions will be found in Living T., a production directed by Danil Chashchin.
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Малая сцена Game A sleuth who catches a criminal who is a sleuth. Psychological thriller based on the play by Anthony Schaeffer. Masterfully twisted spiral of delusions at arm's length on the Small Stage of our theatre.
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Основная сцена Cabaret The last days of the Weimar Republic. Cabaret as a symbol of the collapse of Germany. The musical drama directed by Evgeny Pisarev is a sharp anti-fascist statement embodied by dramatic artists.
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