29 August
7 p.m. / Театр им. Вл. Маяковского, ул. Б. Никитская, 19/13
3 September
7 p.m. / Театр им. Вл. Маяковского, ул. Б. Никитская, 19/13
Касса  +7 (495) 629 37 39
Tours in Santiago (Chile)

"Shukshin’s Stories" – the State Theatre of Nations’ play that took part in 10 European theater festivals toured in Latin America. On January 17, 18 and 19, 2014 the famous play by Alvis Hermanis was shown as part of the international “De Teatro Santiago a Mil” festival in the Chilean capital Santiago. This largest international forum was first held in 1994. So far, it has been the largest contemporary art forum for the performing arts of Latin America. In the programme of the "Santiago a Mil" festival 2014 – there are drama, dance, music performances from Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia , Brazil, Germany, Holland, Italy, Spain, China, Mali, Peru, the United States, Uruguay, France, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden. In 2014 Festival playbill there are more than 60 events in total - plays, concerts, exhibitions, creative workshops, as well as the plays of prominent European directors - Ivo van Hove and Heiner Goebbels. Thus, the festival being held in the capital and several other regions of Chile performs its main task – to become a meeting place for Latin American and European cultures. It makes the most interesting examples of the world performing culture available to the population of the capital and several regions of the country. The Festival in Chile has artistic ties with theatrical Russia and with the Chekhov International Theater Festival in particular. In January 2013, within the "Santiago a Mil" international festival, the Chekhov Festival performance by Declan Donnellan based on William Shakespeare’s play “the Tempest” starring leading Russian actors - Igor Yasulovich, Mikhail Zhigalov, Alexander Feklistov, Alexander Lenkov and others was a great success.


January 17-19 2014

At the Teatro Municipal de Las Condes stage

Visit page of the festival 
