The book The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, written by Miguel de Cervantes in the early 17th century, is one of the most significant works of world literature and, despite its parodic nature, is considered the first modern novel. The plot centers on an eccentric elderly nobleman who has read too many books and imagines himself a noble knight.
As seen by director Anton Fedorov, Don Quixote is not only a desperate romantic, but also a tyrant - he strives to get into the verified reality of a cheap knightly novel, where everything is glued together very well, everything is clear: victory is deserved, and defeat is recognized, where there is true love and an honest fight. Don Quixote tries to fit into this framework not only his own life, but also the entire reality around him, and this reality, in its turn, puts up tough resistance.
This attempt to forcibly create harmony in a divided world is associated with many trials. Don Quixote deeply believes in his own righteousness and is ready to endure any troubles and torments for the sake of his righteous goal, but for that is also ready to bring suffering to the people around him.
"The novel Don Quixote is strongly associated with a reckless movement towards the good, which is each time harshly punished by the harsh reality that exists. One goes beyond the norm, the other, as it seems, is held within them. To what extent is such a construction viable now? What is normal? Is this movement towards good so harmless and is this "objective" reality so harsh and terrible? At what point does it all converge? Where do we discard all fictitious constructs and begin to simply sympathize and love? These and other questions are not new, but they are being posed again and again and affect us again and again," says director Anton Fyodorov about his production.