Dmitriy Volkostrelov, one of the youngest budding directors, based his performance on the classical Russian romance songs of the 19th century – from Glinka to Tchaikovsky.
The title Russian romance does not imply any metaphors, ambiguity or complex dramaturgy. The vocal musical genre itself serves as the character, the text and the plot of the performance.
Dmitriy Volkostrelov: “Romance initially has been a salon genre, the music for friends. The romance does not experience the stage barrier or the barrier of the thousand-people audiences; therefore there is no distance between the listener and the performer. This performance is an attempt to go back to the private zone of intimacy, confidentiality, the atmosphere where these romances used to exist”.
The authors express their gratitude to Dmitriy Renanskiy for his help in preparing the performance.
The performance is sponsored by: Mikhail Prokhorov’s fund