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Boris Godunov

“Boris Godunov'' is a historical drama created by Alexander Pushkin during his exile in Mikhaylovskoye village. The play that was written almost two hundred years ago tells us about even older historical events: the unlawful accession of Boris Godunov to the throne at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries.

Director Pyotr Shereshevsky turned to that timeless material, by “locking” characters from literature and history textbooks inside of an average Russian school gym. As in the mind of Godunov, the whole life of the protagonist flashes here. This is the last opportunity for him to repent of what he has done or, on the contrary, regret what has not occurred.

“The image of a school gym as a place of humiliation and private hell came to me in a dream. In this gym we find ourselves in a kind of a timelessness: either our childhood years or today. Following the logic of a dream, there is no linear story in this production, one lays over the other, and this allows us to have a broader look at the questions of conscience and posthumous retribution. says the director. – “On the other hand, it is a story about one authority being replaced by another, but neither of them having any morality. Leaders, ideology may change, but the essence remains the same”.

The production uses fragments from the first edition of the play, originally entitled ''Comedy about Tsar Boris and about Grishka Otrepyev'', as well as materials from the diaries of A.S. Pushkin.

Премьера: Dec. 15, 2023 Продолжительность: 02 ч. 30 мин. Без антракта 18+