Theatre of Nations first premiere of theatre season 2017/2018 is the “Blue Blue Bird” (directed by Oleg Glushkov) – a fairy tale musical production for the whole family, adventure story of Mathylda and her brother Tyll. On their journey across the fairy tale lands they encounter some 50 most unexpected characters: the Queen of the Night, the Napoleon cake, a whole orchestra made of clockwork monkeys, the blue peacock – guardian of the Time, and monsters from the cupboard.
One may reasonably expect the “Blue Blue Bird” to be a bright spectacular entertaining show full of tricks and special effects – which it most certainly is; but on the other hand it also contains a rather deep and profound reflection about the nature of things, which makes this production enjoyable for both children and adults. Director Oleg Glushkov (well known as choreographer of Valery Todorovsliy’s film “Stilyagi”) treats his audience with some truly wonderful music, amazing set and costumes design, smart and entertaining text, and of course – beautiful dance.
“We didn't infact re-interpret the famous play but in fact we invented a completely authentic story, which is told in a modern way. Based on the fairytale tradition, this story in fact lives here and now. The show has to offer so much fantasy and miracle potential, which would’ve been enough for a dozen of ‘conventional’ productions” – the director says.
Lead roles in the production are played by Musya Totibadze – famous actress and singer, and Pavel Akimkin – lead actor of the SounDrama Studio, who is also engaged in the Theatre of Nations productions of Shukshin’s Stories and the Circus.
The general partner of the performance is SBER.