This is a tragicomedy about a successful modern woman who is used to controlling everything and everyone in her life. This is a story about friendship, betrayal, and a quest for love, contemplating days when people have to pay too high a price for success.
Ingeborga Dapkunaite: “Pulinovich has been staged not only in Russia, but in Europe as well. It was in London where I heard this name for the first time, when a playwright Tom Stoppard mentioned it. Jeanna is a witty, daring and very precise play, with real genuine characters. This is a kind of tragicomedy that turns into an epic drama.
Ilya Rotenberg: “This is a story about a superwoman, who is desperately trying to grasp common values, available to regular people, such as love, family and children. Jeanna is an absolutely epic character. This is more than just a social stratum with its problems; this is a sublime, generalizing, and perpetual story. It is somewhat poetic. And we’ve tried to show it.”
Oleg Yankovsly's award for the brave reading of the contemporary drama and the representation of the main female character.
The Theatre of Nations expresses gratitude to Mikhail Kusnirovich – a chairman of the supervisory committee of Bosco di Ciliegu group of companies, as well as Natalya Vlasova – a Giorgio Armani make-up artist in Russia.