7 p.m. / Новое Пространство. Страстной бульвар, д.12, стр.2
8 p.m. / Малая сцена
Касса  +7 (495) 629 37 39
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Основная сцена Gargantua and Pantagruel A performance by Konstantin Bogomolov, who is well known for his radical productions in leading theatres of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Europe, based on the novel by a French writer of the 17th century - François Rabelais.
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Двое бедных румын говорящих по-польски, Тильзит-Театр г. Советск Спектакль-победитель XII Фестиваля театров малых городов России на сцене Театра Наций.
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Основная сцена Jeanna The Theater of Nations continues to experiment with new drama. The play “Jeanna” written by a young yet well-known playwright Yaroslava Pulinovich is staged by Ilya Rotenberg, who has recently graduated from the Russian University of Theater Arts. The leading role is played by Ingeborga Dapkunaite.
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It is easy to quit The performance It is easy to quit is the first production by the Theater of Nations, based entirely on documentary material. The plot is centred on the stories of six young people who are undergoing drug rehabilitation treatment at the “Healthy Youth Centre”.
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Основная сцена Hamlet | Collage The idea, which was proposed by Lepage, is simple but it takes your breath away as it promises a miracle: the director is going to stage a solo performance of Shakespeare's Hamlet, where all the roles will be played by one actor, Evgeny Mironov, artistic director of the Theatre of Nations
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Lepagemania State Theatre of Nations presents program LEPAGEMANIA
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Короли и капуста. Театр "Парафраз" Спектакль-победитель XI Фестиваля театров малых городов России - показ в Москве в Театре Наций. Второй спектакль театра "Парафраз" (г. Глазов), поставленный с использованием технологии ВЕРБАТИМ (в основе пьесы - интервью жителей города). Спектакль рассказывает о «бегстве» простого человека из города в свое королевство под названием ОГОРОД, где он сам себе хозяин
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Miss Julie. Театр–студия «Грань» Спектакль-победитель XI Фестиваля театров малых городов России в Театре Наций. Театр-студия «Грань» представляет спектакль по пьесе А. Стриндберга «Фрекен Жюли». Ночь невинных забав. Это дебютная режиссерская работа ведущего, на протяжении более десяти лет, актера «Грани», а теперь и ее художественного руководителя Дениса Бокурадзе.
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Основная сцена The Taming of the Shrew The Theatre of Nations that traditionally offers its own versions of the well-known classical works has invited for this production a young but already renowned director Roman Feodori, who was awarded the Golden Mask National Theatre Award as recently as last year for one of his productions.
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Малая сцена The Stone After the fall of the Berlin Wall, three women, a grandmother, a mother and a granddaughter return to the house, which had belonged to them before a forced departure to West Germany. The house, whose purchase once saved a Jewish family, remembers the grandfather who had welcomed the liberation from the Nazis. It seems that the order has been restored, both in the lives of the family and the country.
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Three days in hell Three Days in Hell at the Theatre of Nations can hardly be called "a staging of the play", as the text by Pavel Pryazhko becomes more likely a part of a total installation where the audience is drawn into. While keeping the whole text of the play, the authors create an environment where each v