Breakthrough into the past. Tarkovsky & Plavlinsky
AZ Museum, “Two Andreys” Foundation and New Space of the Theatre of Nations present exhibition “Breakthrough into the past. Tarkovsky & Plavlinsky” under the umbrella of the XXXIX Moscow Film Festival.

Основная сцена
The Circus
A musical production at the main stage of the Theatre of Nations with Ingeborga Dapkūnaitė playing the lead, the Circus will feature clowns, real stunts and an orchestra. They say that at times circus can make your heart soar but make no mistake - you will laugh in the end.

Малая сцена
"Наше всё..." Валентин Гафт

Концерт «Бдение»
12-часовой концерт «Бдение» Андрея Гурьянова и Дмитрия Курляндского.

Партитуры / SPACEWEEK
Перформанс Алексея Коханова и Владимира Горлинского

Основная сцена
The Audience
The first Russian production of the Audience will have a special Russian translation of the play at its core, made by translator Yury Goligorsky exclusively for this production, and will feature Russian star actress Inna Churikova in the part of the Queen Elizabeth II.

Концерт Phurpa
Новое Пространство Театра Наций представляет в рамках блока #NEWSPACEMUSIC концерт группы Phurpa
Малая сцена
Корабль дураков. Театр "Грань" Новокуйбышевск
Спектакль-победитель XIV Фестиваля театров малых городов России на сцене Театра Наций

GENKO-AN 107031 (Moscow, 2017)
Installation by Heiner Goebbels at the New Space

Красный квадрат
танц-инсталляция проекта Ohne Zucker (Онэ Цукер)

Little Match Girl Passion
Concert-installation on text by D.Lang after H.C. Andersen, H.P. Paulli, Picander and Saint Matthew

Малая сцена
Beware of the Elves!
An interactive children's detective with elements of shadow theater, where young viewers solve riddles and investigate the mystical case of the disappearance of a girl.

Основная сцена
A production based on a play by Anton Chechov, starring Evgeny Mironov in the lead.

Основная сцена
Gala. Festival NET
«Gala» always brings a unique experiment never to be repeated again. It brings together both dance professionals and amateurs of diverse backgrounds.

Малая сцена
A production by Marat Gatsalov, speculating about whether we still have enough time to talk to each other, and most importantly – to be heard and understood; whether we can still take a pause and try to feel it - are we really happy?

До и после
Документальный проект о людях, посвятивших свою жизнь театру

Основная сцена
Ivona, Princess of Burgundia
It is a grotesque story about a fictional family whose conventional life gets disrupted when Ivona, an introverted girl, appears on the stage. Even though during the whole performance Ivona, the title heroine hardly utters a few words, her silent presence causes a revolution in the family, breaking conventions, revealing hidden secrets and bringing the family to the brink of collapse.

Малая сцена
A Clockwork Orange
Creators of the performance took one of the iconic literary works of the XX century and stripped it down to its basics: violence and possibility to overcome it.